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[jetty-users] jsessionid in url (and not ip checking)


for some ajax actions I need to put the jsessionid in the url (remember for example problem of cookies in iframe in ie)

I create a xmlhttprequest url like this:


But it look like the parameter ;jsessionid is ignored. A new session is created.

I use an embedded jetty and checking the session manager look that url are enabled.

      WebAppContext context = new WebAppContext();
//context.getSessionHandler().getSessionManager().setCheckingRemoteSessionIdEncoding(true); Set<SessionTrackingMode> tm = context.getSessionHandler().getSessionManager().getDefaultSessionTrackingModes();

      for (SessionTrackingMode stm: tm)
System.out.println( context.getSessionHandler().getSessionManager().isUsingURLs());



Any help to make it work?

A second question. If url jsessionid will work, is possible to disable the ip checking (if any) to allow requests from different clients? I know that is a security issue, but i need it only in the development environment.

Thanks in advance for help!

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