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Re: [jetty-users] JASPI 196: make it work on Jetty 8

The sources in jetty-7.5.1.v20110908/jetty-jaspi and jetty-8.0.1.v20110908/jetty-jaspi are the same each other.


JASPI does not work in etty-7.5.1.v20110908. Merge what I changed to jetty-7.5.1.v20110908 works by my test, so you could first fix it in Jetty 7, then merge the fix to Jetty 8.



From: jetty-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:jetty-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jan Bartel
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 2:07 PM
To: JETTY user mailing list
Subject: Re: [jetty-users] JASPI 196: make it work on Jetty 8



Thanks for that comprehensive information, we will certainly look into it.

In saying that jetty-jaspi currently does not work well on jetty-8, does this mean that it is working fine
with jetty-7? We try to maintain as much of the codebase in common between jetty-7 and jetty-8 as
possible, so I'd like to know if this is something that should go into jetty-7, and will then get merged
into jetty-8, or if this is a problem specific to jetty-8.


On 28 September 2011 15:23, Guofeng Zhang <guofeng@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:



JASPI make us to plug in other authentication module (for example, using openID or other mechanism to authenticate users) easier on Jetty for container-managed security. There is jetty-jaspi module in the Jetty source code base, but I think it has not been maintained for a long time.


By making a little fix on jetty-jaspi module, I make the JASPI works well on Jetty 8. I attach the changes. I hope if I did it well, it could be merged into the next Jetty 8 release.


To use JASPI:

1.       Creating a JASPI configuration XML file for your auth module:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<jaspi xmlns="">






















   The above using the Jetty built-in FormAuthModule, if you want to use the built-in Basic or Digest auth module, the <serverAuthModule> part should be:















Here I use the implementation of JASPI of geronimo-jaspi 2.0-SNAPSHOT from geronimo-jaspi ( you could use geronimo-jaspi 1.1.1 release, but you might need to implements (and not and configure it in the above XML file.


2.       Configuring your AppContext to use JaspiAuthenticatorFactory. I configured it in jetty-web.xml file:

<Configure class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext">

  <Set name="securityHandler">

      <New class="">

         <Set name="loginService">

            <New class="">

              <Set name="name">JAASRealm</Set>

              <Set name="loginModuleName">jaas</Set>




         <Set name="authenticatorFactory">

             <New class="" />






3.       When launching Jetty, using -Dorg.apache.geronimo.jaspic.configurationFile to tell geronimo-jaspi where to find the JASPI configuration file. The following is the jetty-maven-plugin configuration (my JASPI configuration file is form-test-jaspi-2.xml):



































In my test, I use my own JAAS login module, which configured in jaas.conf. you could use Jetty built-in login module as described in


Q: what I cannot know if I did it correctly is the changes to JaspiAuthenticator. I removed the following lines at the beginning of validateRequest():

        if (_allowLazyAuthentication && !mandatory)

            return _deferred;

and add the following:

                     if ( !isMandatory( messageInfo ) )

                               return _deferred ;

after “if (authStatus == AuthStatus.SUCCESS)” at line 114. This make me have to add the following in validateRequest() of FormAuthModule class:

            Authentication authentication = ((org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request)request).getAuthentication() ;

            if (authentication instanceof Authentication.Deferred )

                return AuthStatus.SEND_SUCCESS;

or the unprotected resources won’t be handled properly. This makes the auth module to have to know how Authentication.Deferred works, it is not an easier to use dependency. This might be that I do not understand DeferredAuthentication class clearly. Your advice is appreciated.





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