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Re: [jetty-users] Which WebSocket protocol versions are supported by Jetty?

Hi Jesse,

jetty supports the latest versions on or around when they come out, if
you scan the hybi lists you'll see Greg on there a lot...and he is
websockets on jetty.  A couple of the rest of us follow it passively
in the background as it has been evolving.
Glad to know jetty's websocket-support is so up to date (kudos to Greg).
Just gave it a try - can't believe how easy and well performing things are compared to the emulated data-upstream using multiple XmlHttpRequests.

However, I still have a question:
I need to stream data to the client as fast as possible, in fact the amount of data generated depends on how fast the client can download it (request/response is not possible, because of latency). On the client-side there is the "bufferedAmount"-field, but how can I control the amount of data written on the server-side?

I assume Jetty's WebSocket.Connection will block when too much data is written, but are there mechanisms to control this? Is the message-based API powerful enough, or will I have to work with the fragment-API?
Reading through WebSocketFactory indicates 64k are used for buffering, can this be controlled?

Thanks, Clemens

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