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[jetty-users] Jetty vs ModPerl : Unexpected results on a 24 cores server

Hi all,

I'm trying to benchmark the performance of a web app. between a Perl CGI implementation and a Java/Spring implementation. For each request this application basically reads a config file, forks a process, reads its stdout as XML, parses it and returns it transformed in HTML to the browser.

The Perl version is run under Apache 2.2 with ModPerl::PerlRun.
The Java version is run with Jetty 7.2.2 and an 1.6 JRE, with -Xms128m -Xmx1024m flags.
Test platforms are running Linux CentOS 5.5 64bit.

The benchmark is run with the "apachebench" tool, for 1000 requests and with various concurrency levels (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128).
Results show the mean response time in milliseconds.

When benchmarking on a 8 cores machine I get expected results: Jetty is faster than Perl and scales better:
Concurrency   Response time (Perl)     Response time (Java)
1             150.070                  33.303
2             144.838                  31.131
4             149.410                  43.468
8             240.889                  74.856
16            474.270                  144.408
32            986.855                  307.052
64            2099.110                 600.310
128           4205.816                 1192.65

However, when benchmarking on a 24 cores machine, Perl scales better past the 16 concurrent requests mark. Interestingly I also tried to use Apache and mod_proxy_balancer as a load balancer in front of 4 Jetty instances, and with this setup Java scales better:

Concurrency Response time (Perl) Response time (Java) Response time (Apache + 4x Jetty)
1            207.515               40.372               40.562
2            207.097               40.015               42.031
4            205.543               61.728               41.77
8            211.422               107.032              48.167
16           222.341               216.419              71.996
32           335.424               456.043              129.596
64           695.801               945.73               283.36
128          1201.633              1932.592             518.138

For what I know there is no specific locks on any resource (no database involved), and with the Java app. the config file is read once and kept in memory (Whereas the Perl implementation re-reads it each time). Looking at CPU activity when running the Perl benchmark shows about 80%/90% load for every 24 core, versus only 10%/15% load on every core for the Jetty benchmark.

I tried to raise the "maxThreads" of the pool to 256, and even the "Acceptor" param of the connector to 64 but it doesn't significantly affects performance.
The Apache configuration is as follow:
<IfModule prefork.c>
StartServers       8
MinSpareServers    5
MaxSpareServers   20
ServerLimit      256
MaxClients       256
MaxRequestsPerChild  4000

I would expect the Java version to continue to scale better independently of the number of cores, which seems to be the case when running 4x Jetty + a load balancer on the same box.

Am I missing something in the Jetty config, or in my setup that could explain that ?

One possible explanation could be that the OS spreads the load across all the cores better with Apache because there are multiple "httpd" processes, versus one single "java" process for Jetty. That could explain why running 4x Jetty is faster (4 OS processes instead of a single one).

Any ideas ?



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