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[jetty-users] Embedded: Deploying servlets w/ Jetty 7

Hi all

I'm trying to do something rather simple using jetty 7 in my rather
trivial application:

How do I add new contexts (long time ago since I last did this, so I'm
not sure this is the correct term) after I started the jetty server?
All I want to do is that I can start jetty and after starting it,
adding "paths" that gets handled by servlets.

I do not want to use any WAR files and the like, only
Handlers/Servlets/HttpServlet/etc classes within my JVM..

I see there is a ContextFactory, ContextHandler etc. but I don't know
how these work together - I suspect it's got something to do with the
LifeCycle, but I don't know (yet) how to use that..

Anybody care to help?

Thanks a lot in advance


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