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[jetty-users] ;jsessionid= to external outputLink


I have a web app using a jsf (ICEFaces) outputLink to display a link to an *external* zip file. If the client browser does not have a session, ";jsessionid=blabla" is appended to the url to the external zip file (not okay). If the user already has a session, there is no jsessionid appendend (okay).

 * This is with jetty-distribution-7.2.2.v20101205. It does not happen with our old jboss/tomcat environment.
 * I have tried to set "org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.SessionIdPathParameterName" to "none". It solve this problem, but break some other part of the application.

It looks like the ";jsessionid=blabla" is appended by jetty. If so, why append the session id to the link to an external resource? The session id is not valid for the external server and the user get a "404 not found" as it does not have a file named ";jsessionid=blabla".

 - Tore.

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