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Re: [jetty-users] How relates Jetty to Apache WebServer? Is it a replacement?

On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 05:07, Ben Stover <bxstover@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Sorry for this new user question. I read now a couple of articles about Jetty but still could not completely compare it with Apache WebServer.
> Is Jetty a (full) replacement of the Apache WebServer?

Figuring that both applications do a lot of things its probably easier
for me to just say that Jetty is a full fledged web server (which
apache is as well) _and_ servlet container (which apache isn't)
written entirely in java (jetty is, apache isn't) with a heavy focus
on being small, lightweight in memory and component oriented...

> What offers Jetty what Apache WebServer does not and vice versa?

There are a lot of pros and cons here for each application depending
on what your trying to do.  One example would be embedding into you
application...if your writing a java application and you need a web
server or ability to deploy servlets in your application you can do
that in a few lines of code with jetty but that would be ridiculous to
embed apache into your java app.  Similarly if your trying to run perl
cgi or php applications your going to want to use apache for that.

I guess if you have a list of requirements you need to operate under
and your willing to go public with them feel free to list them here
and we'll steer you in the right direction...or you can contact me
privately for the same.


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