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[jetty-users] Using AspectJ LTW for single webapp in Jetty 7.x

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to configure Jetty 7.x to allow AspectJ LTW for a single webapp.  I do not want to configure -javaagent on the process.  So far all the bits I've found online are related to use with Spring.  I'm not using Spring at all.

My aspects are defined in a jar under WEB-INF/lib, as well as the jars to be woven.  There are a bunch of 3rd party jars in there which contain some classes I need to weave around to fix some issues and provide richer integration via aspects.

I am using the ContextDeployer, and configuring a custom context.xml file for the app.  But I am not sure how to configure the WebAppContext to use a weaving classloader.  I think what I want to do is to configure the WebAppContext with a custom class-loader, which is probably a hybrid of org.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.WeavingURLClassLoader and org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppClassLoader.

Has anyone tried to do this before?  Any advice on how to get it working?



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