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[jetty-users] Server.stop not propigating

Hi fellow Jetty users!

I am deploying a war in an embedded jetty instance.  When jetty starts, the war file deploys just fine, and my ApplicationLifecycleListener beans get a ContextRefreshedEvent.  However, when I stop the jetty Server, I don't get an ContextClosedEvent in my web app (which happens in a normal application server).  

Below is the code I use to start and stop my jetty server.  I create the jetty Server (using spring IOC), and launch it using some java code which gets called from a windows 
service; all this seems to be working.  When the windows service is stopped, it calls 
ClassPathXmlApplicationContext jettyCtx = new ClasspathApplicationContext(...);
Server jettyServer = (Server)jettyCtx.getBean("jettyServer");

// invoked through JNI
public void onStop() {

Here is my spring beans, showing the creation of the jetty server (omitted the connectors for brevity).
<bean id="myAppContext" class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext">
  <property name="contextPath" value="/myapp" />
  <property name="war" value="${my.warfile}" />
  <property name="extraClasspath" value="deploy/config" />

<bean id="jettyServer" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server">
  <property name="handler" ref="myAppContext" />
  <property name="gracefulShutdown" value="500" />
  <property name="stopAtShutdown" value="true" />

My understanding (possibly wrong) is that Server.stop() will chain to the handler (a WebAppContext) which should invoke ServletContextListener.contextDestroyed() on spring's main delegating servlet -- however I did not see this so I tried calling stop() directly on my WebAppContext:  

WebAppContext myAppCtx = (WebAppContext)jettyServer.getHandler();

The first thing I noticed is that I get different behavior. Calling WebAppContext.stop() directly creates different log messages which seem right -- something logs that it is stopping my application, "/myapp Destroying Spring application <my servlet name>"; however I do not see any more output after this point -- I think that the VM actually crashes.

Question: Why does Server.stop() not chain to WebAppContext.stop()?
Question: What am I doing wrong?

-- Justin


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