On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 11:24, Aurélien Pupier
aurelien.pupier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> First, sorry for the previous mail which was send prematurely :s
> So,
> I'm using Jetty 6.
> I started the server this way :
> Server server = new
> Server(store.getDefaultInt(ConsolePreferenceConstants.CONSOLE_PORT));
> WebAppContext warWebappContext = new WebAppContext(MyWebApp, MyContextPath);
> warWebappContext.setClassLoader(new WebAppClassLoader(MyClassloader,
> warWebappContext));
> server.addHandler(warWebappContext);
> And then close it this way :
> consoleServer.stop();
> consoleServer.destroy();
> But like that the classloader is kept in perm memory (I use a dump of the
> memory to see that)
> As I stop and start an amount of time the server there is a a lot of
> Clasloader in perm memory which is never released.
> I tried several things to free them :
> - remove WebAppContext from server handler.
> - stop and destroy WebAppContext
> - destroy the WebAppClassLoader
> and call System.gc() after each of these attempts without success in any
> case.
> So what is proper way to shutdown the server and free up the memory from
> classloader?
> Thanks by advance for any hints.
> Regards,
> Aurelien Pupier
> PS : I didn't see a jetty forum on Eclipse forum, no one exist?