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Re: [jetty-users] Search Engine Friendly URLs

What you're trying to do goes beyond the scope of simple URL rewriting, so it doesn't look like UrlRewriteFilter or Jetty's URL rewriting solution are going to be a good fit.  Your goal of translating URLs into command parameters is really a framework-level thing, so if I were you, I would either:

Try to find something in your framework that help you (think Rails' URL-mapping schema) or roll your own.

The latter really isn't that hard.  I wrote one for our Spring app that can matches URLs to patterns in a properties file.  On the other side, you need a URL generator that can build URLs from data.  Once you have those working, your mapper just dispatches to the correct controller using internal server forwards (don't use 302 redirects).

Hope that helps.


On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 6:38 AM, Andrew Penhorwood <penhorwood@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks.  There is already a rewrite class that comes with Jetty.  I have it sort of configured, the documentation is very limited.  While it might solve my problem, figuring out how would be an adventure.  I do have rewrite doing 302 redirects but the other stuff seems to not work in that the /data/name part never makes it to Railo.

Andrew Penhorwood

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 9:19 AM, Chad La Joie <chad.lajoie@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've seen this[1] referenced before.  No idea if it will work for what you want or not.

Andrew Penhorwood wrote:
Is there a way to do Search Engine Friendly (SEF) URL in Jetty 7?  I am
using Railo (open source coldfusion engine) with Jetty 7 and that is working
great.  But now I would like to enable SEF URLs so that
domain/index.cfm/data/name gets processed as if it was
I found a filter from the OpenBlueDragon (another open source coldfusion
engine) that should convert the /data/name part into path info.  It does not
seem to work and it was compiled for Jetty 6.x.

Any help / pointers would be greatly appreciated.


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