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Re: [jetty-users] configure jetty with apache via Mod_Proxy

There's a typo:

<VirtualHost *.80>

should probably be

<VirtualHost *:80>
(any IP, port 80)

You don't need NameVirtualHost unless you plan to have multiple domain names with different configurations on the same IP
For example:   --> localhost:8080/webapp --> localhost:8080/other-webapp

On Thu, 05 Nov 2009 00:41:03 +0100, Daniele Dellafiore <ildella@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi. I am trying to configure jetty to work with apache following this

target is to make answer like the request
has been made to being jetty running
on port 8080. A standard situation.

I am using apache 2.2 and jetty 7 (under ubuntu 9.04)

I have installed and activated mod_proxy, then I have configured a new
a new apache site and enabled it with a2ensite.
The new site configuration file have this content:

<VirtualHost *.80>

ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost On

<Proxy *>
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from

ProxyPass /newsletter http://localhost:8080/newsletter
ProxyPassReverse /newsletter http://localhost:8080/newsletter


when I restart apache2, I get:

 [error] (EAI 2)Name or service not known: Could not resolve host name
*.80 -- ignoring!

and the integration does not work. I have tried to follow other guide
to understand what I am missing but withoud success.
I think I have to define a NameVirtualHost but do not exacly where and
how... anyone has experience and can help me?


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