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[jetty-dev] javax.servlet / jakarta.servlet support

Hello Jetty Team!

In Jetty 11, support for the javax.servlet namespace was dropped, and replaced by the jakarta.servlet namespace.

With Jetty 12, support for the javax.servlet namespace is re-introduced, giving users the option to use either javax.servlet or jakarta.servlet through offering jetty builds for the EE8, EE9 and EE10 environments. I can only assume that this was quite the undertaking. Thanks!

Can you please share the motivation for the re-introduction of the javax.servlet namespace?

I'd also love to learn about your roadmap. How do you see (if you have such a vision today) EE support in future versions of Jetty? Specifically, do you expect continued support for EE8 / the javax.servlet namespace?

Kind regards,


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