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[jetty-dev] Jetty 7.4.0.RC0

A release candidate of Jetty 7.4.0.RC0 is now available as either a
jetty-7 @ eclipse or jetty-hightide-7 @ codehaus distribution:

I've blogged a little about some of the new features here and more
detail and documentation will be forthcoming as we head to a final
release (hopefully) next week.

 + 324110 Added test harnesses for merging of QueryStrings.
 + 337685 Update websocket API in preparation for draft -07
 + 338627 HashSessionManager.getIdleSavePeriod returns milliseconds
instead of seconds
 + 338807 Ignore content length in 1xx, 204, 304 responses
 + 338819 Externally control Deployment Manager application lifecycle
 + 339084 Fixed NPE with servlet 3.0 async listener
 + 339150 Validate client certificate when it is used for authentication
 + 339187 In the OSGi manifest of the jetty-all-server aggregate, mark
javax.annotation as optional
 + 339543 Add configuration options for Certificate Revocation checking
 + 340265 Improve handling of io shutdown in SSL
 + 340621 Added SizedThreadPool interface
 + 340636 HashSessionManager lazy loads all sessions
 + 340838 Update ConnectHandler to perform half closes properly
 + 340878 Integrations should be able to load their own keystores
 + 340920 Dynamically assign RMI registry port for integration testing
 + 340949 Scanner delays file notifications until files are stable
 + 341006 Move inner enums out into separate file
 + 341105 Stack trace is printed for an ignored exception
 + 341145 WebAppContext MBean attribute serverClasses returns empty value
 + 341171 Locking in HttpDestination blocks all requests to the same address
 + 341206 Stop order is wrong in HandlerWrapper
 + 341255 org.eclipse.http usage in AJP/SessionId linkage
 + 341386 Remote close not detected by HttpClient
 + 341394 Remove 'Unavailable' JMX attributes of WebAppContext MBean
 + 341439 Blocking HttpClient does not use soTimeout for timeouts
 + 341561 Exception when adding o.e.j.s.DoSFilter as managed attribute
 + 341692 Fixed deadlock if stopped while starting
 + 341736 Split jetty-nested out of war module
 + 341726 JSONPojoConverter handles characters
 + 341992 Overlayed context deployer
 + 341694 Disable AJP buffer resizing
 + 341850 Protect QTP dump from bad stacks
 + JETTY-1245 Pooled Buffers implementation
 + JETTY-1354 Added jetty-nested
 + Ensure generated fragment names are unique
 + Added extra session removal test

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