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[jetty-dev] Support for webapps without web.xml for servlet-2.5 ?

Hi everyone,

The esteemed springsource team was testing jetty-osgi with a webapp that just contain some static files and no web.xml descriptor;
They noted that this use-case was not supported:

After some minor modifications on jetty-osgi, the webapp is in fact deployed but no request is ever handled by it (*).
Thomas B and I looked for this type of webapp in the spec and our conclusion is that it is not officially supported with servlet-2.5.
It looks like tomcat and other containers do support it though.

Is this something we would like to support on jetty-7 ?

(*) the internal objects for the webapp are created: The WebAppContext is present and it has a ServletHandler.
A request against the webapp goes through org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandle#doScope
But _servletMappings, _servletNameMap, _servletPathMap are null or empty and the request is never processed.
The expected behavior would be to load the webdefault.xml and configure the DefaultServlet if no web.xml is present.

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