Sorry to dig up an old thread. I'm trying to find where I can
download bundles from Orbits. I can only find a few dependencies and
not a single eclipse (or Jetty) bundle. Is this right, I assume I'm
looking in the wrong place
Is the Orbits repository with all the eclipse signed projects
bundles not browsable over http?
On 10/12/2010 16:06, Jesse McConnell wrote:
you have to create a CQ against _anything_ you use in virgo, and when
your bundling it into a distro you have to pull it from eclipse p2
repository like orbit...
maven central at eclipse can be used to build with for testing
purposes but for actual release you have to only use eclipse signed
dependencies :)
but I digress, I'll be trying to get the p2 repo going shortly
jesse mcconnell
On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 09:25, Christopher Frost <frostc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This is a good point, we will have P2 support in time, it's being worked on.
I wasn't aware of the Maven central issue. I thought it would of been fine
to just raise a CQ on it and off we go (once approved). I'm guessing this is
a problem as this is an Eclipse project anyway and we should not raise a CQ
and consume it from the official Eclipse repo for it. Is there some
difference between what is published in Maven central and what will end up
in the P2 repo?
On 10/12/2010 11:43, Jesse McConnell wrote:
We'll have the p2 repo out soon which will have the eclipse signed
artifacts that Virgo will need to consume...I suspect this is what
your looking for since your not allowed by eclipse to use anything
else as a dependency, not even from maven central if your bundling in
a distro.
I would recommend Virgo take a look at using tycho at some point as
well, makes building at eclipse much easier IMO unless ivy supports p2
repositories well...
On Friday, December 10, 2010, Christopher Frost <frostc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Really glad to see some of these bugs being released. Just wanted to
ask if Jetty releases are published to an Ivy repo anywhere?
I can consume from Maven central but it's not so easy for me, Virgo
being Ant & Ivy based :)
Thanks, Chris.
On 10/12/2010 10:50, Greg Wilkins wrote:
The eclipse jetty-7.2.2.v20101205 and the codehaus
jetty-hightide-7.2.2.v20101205 releases are now available via
or maven central. A P2 repo will be following shortly.
This is a maintenance point release
jetty-7.2.2.v20101205 5 December 2010
+ JETTY-1308 327109 (re)fixed AJP handling of empty packets
+ 331703 Fixed failing OSGI test TestJettyOSGiBootWithJsp.java on MacOSX
+ 331567 IPAccessHandlerTest failed on MacOS fix
+ 328789 Clean up tmp files from test harnesses
+ 331230 Fixed low thread warnings when acceptors>threadpool
+ 331461 Fixed idle timeout for unflushed HTTP/1.0
+ JETTY-1307 Check that JarFileResource directories end with /
+ 330210 Improve performance of writing large bytes arrays
+ 330208 Support new wording on servlet-mapping and filter-mapping
merging from servlet3.0a
+ 330188 Reject web-fragment.xml with same <name> as another already loaded
+ 330229 Jetty tries to parse META-INF/*.tld when jsp-api is not on
classpath, causing DTD entity resoluton to fail
+ 330265 start.jar --stop kills --exec subprocess
+ 330417 Atomic PUT in PutFilter
+ 330419 Reloading webapp duplicates StandardDescriptorProcessor
+ 330686 OSGi: Make org.eclipse.jetty.jsp-2.1 a fragment of
+ 330732 Removed System.err debugging
+ 330764 Command line properties passed to start.jar --exec
+ JETTY-1297 Improved matching of vhosts so that a vhost match has priority
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Chris Frost
SpringSource <http://www.springsource.org>, a division
of VMware <http://www.vmware.com/>
Virgo Website <http://www.eclipse.org/virgo>,
Wiki <http://wiki.eclipse.org/Virgo> and
Forum <http://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php?t=thread&frm_id=159>
Chris Frost
SpringSource, a division of VMware
Virgo Website, Wiki and Forum
jetty-dev mailing list
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