Hello everyone,
my first time here.
I've taken over from Glyn on the integration work with
Virgo and Jetty and I've made some really good progress. I
have created a new build of Virgo that embeds Jetty using
the osgi boot bundle. I'm also providing the JSP fragment
which is getting installed and my simple WAB is deploying
and the servlet context is created.
The problem I have now is the following message when I try
and view the web app.
/WEB-INF/jsp/splash.jsp(2,66) PWC6188: The absolute uri: http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application
I have read the documentation and there is a "TODO: "
about supporting custom tag libraries. Are the Standard
Tag Libraries supported then? If so, where does jetty look
for them. The WAB currently imports all the types required
from an Apache 1.1.2 JSTL bundle I have provided. I can
see there is a glassfish bundle deployed with 2.1.0
version of the Tag Libs, I want to stick with 1.1.2 for
now though.
Thanks for any help, it is muchly appreciated.