On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 6:44 AM, Glyn Normington
<gnormington@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am building Jetty with a view to running Jetty OSGi on top of the Virgo kernel. The wiki [1] is very helpful and tells me that I need the bundle org.eclipse.jetty.osgi.boot for starters and that it will wire up "all the jetty jars that can be located". Problem is I have no clue what the relevant set of JARs is. Any suggestions?
All the jetty jars will happily run in OSGi... minus the bugs.
Maybe you are not interested in the whole set of features; maybe some features are already provided by Virgo.
The pax tests provisions 2 different configurations:
- the first one webapps without jsp
- the second one webapps with jsp.
When we run jetty-osgi we are mostly targeting developers who adopt p2 as their build and provisioning environment. p2 takes care of finding what bundles of jetty and what libraries of eclipse orbit are required to run the web-bundles.
So I must say that documenting the many variations of jetty jars that make sense for jetty-osgi has not been useful to us so far.
If we need a starting point it would be the same set of jars than outside of the osgi world.
In the case of Virgo can you point us to what it provides so we can see which subset of jetty are the most appropriate?
In particular does Virgo or Gemini provide some abstraction for the servlet containers or are we going to use jetty's?
Best regards,
[1] http://wiki.eclipse.org/Jetty/Feature/Jetty_OSGi
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