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[jetty-announce] Jetty 9.4.x - End of Community Support

The following is text from Eclipse Jetty Issue 7958. Follow the issue for any updates and comments.


It’s been 9 years since Jetty 9 was released and it is time to announce the end of community support for Eclipse Jetty 9.4.x.

June 1st, 2022 will mark the official End of Community Support for Eclipse Jetty 9.4.x.

While users of Jetty 9.4.x will continue to see releases for security and critical issues until 9.4.x fully goes End of Life (EOL), the only ongoing support provided will be for Webtide customers.

As for the official EOL of Jetty 9.4.x, we will give at least 6 months notice after the last Webtide customer has transitioned off of using 9.4.x. We can’t provide a firm date, but it is unlikely to happen before 2025. 

Thank you for your continued usage and support of Jetty, please take a moment to look at newer Jetty releases 10.0.x and 11.0.x  (Jetty 12.0.x due out later this year)

Before June 1, 2022

End of Community Support (June 1, 2022)

End of Life (Date TBD)

Community PRs reviewed and integrated

Webtide Customer PRs reviewed and integrated

Community triggered releases

Webtide Customer triggered releases

Security/Vulnerability triggered releases


P.S. If you want to know more about Webtide support feel free to check out or reach out to sales@xxxxxxxxxxx and I will get back with you.

jesse mcconnell
jesse mcconnell

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