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[jetty-announce] Eclipse Jetty 9.4.31 Has Been Released!


The Jetty team is happy to announce the immediate availability of a new release for the Eclipse Jetty 9.4.x branch. Jetty 9.4.31.v20200723 includes a number of bug fixes and improvements. It is recommended that all users upgrade as soon as they are able. A full list of changes for this release is listed at the end of this email.

This release available on the Eclipse Jetty project download page or from the Maven Central repository:

Documentation for this release can be found on the Eclipse Jetty project site:

If you find any issues with this release, or if you want to suggest future enhancements, please file an issue on the Jetty GitHub page:

Commercial production and development support for Jetty is offered through Webtide ( Please contact us for more information or email chris@xxxxxxxxxxx to discuss your specific needs.

Best Regards,

The Jetty Development Team

jetty-9.4.31.v20200723 - 23 July 2020
 + 1100 JSR356 Encoder#init is not called when created on demand
 + 4736 Update Import-Package version start ranges
 + 4890 JettyClient behavior when SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE is set to 0 in SETTINGS Frame.
 + 4904 WebsocketClient creates more connections than needed
 + 4965 WINDOW_UPDATE for locally failed stream should not close the HTTP/2 session
 + 4967 Possible buffer corruption in HTTP/2 session failures
 + 4971 Simplify Connection.upgradeFrom()/upgradeTo()
 + 4976 HttpClient async content throws NPE in DEBUG log
 + 4981 Incorrect example for TryFilesFilter API docs
 + 4985 Fix NPE related to use of Attributes.Wrapper getAttributeNameSet()
 + 4989 Prevent parsing of module-info.class in OSGi bundles
 + 5000 NPE from Server.dump of FilterMapping
 + 5013 Bundle-ClassPath and lib place on WEB-INF/lib make classpath duplicate
 + 5018 WebSocketClient connect / upgrade timeout not configurable
 + 5019 Automatically hot-reload SSL certificates if keystore file changed
 + 5020 LifeCycle.Listener not called for Filter/Servlet/Listener lifecycle events
 + 5025 dispatcher.include() with welcome files lead to stack overflow error
 + 5053 CWE-331 in DigestAuthentication class
 + 5057 `javax.servlet.include.context_path` attribute on root context. should be empty string, but is `"/"`
 + 5064 NotSerializableException for OpenIdConfiguration
 + 5069 HttpClientTimeoutTests can occasionally fail due to unreachable network

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