Development of Jetty 9 has been an exciting journey. Due to the popularity and widespread use of both Jetty 7 and 8, early versions of Jetty 9 were overlapped in development. As a result, it was not until 9.2 that Jetty 9 came into its own.
Since its release in early 2014, Jetty 9.2 has seen 24 releases. Jetty 9.2 introduced a number of features to Jetty - Java 7 support, Servlet 3.1, JSP 2.3 and many more.
Over the past four years, Jetty has continued to evolve and seen releases of Jetty 9.3 and 9.4 which have brought HTTP/2 and FastCGI into the fold as well as expanded support for updated RFCs. Jetty 9.3 set Java 8 as its baseline, and support for Java 9 has been introduced in Jetty 9.4. As work has continued on Jetty 9.4 (with Jetty 10 on the horizon!) and many users have upgraded, releases for 9.2 have slowed, with just four maintenance releases in the past 18 months.
The most recent release marks the end of open source support for Jetty 9.2. Major security issues will still be addressed, but the Jetty team recommends all users upgrade as they are able. In most cases, upgrading has been trivial as newer versions of Jetty share much in common with Jetty 9.2.
Commercial support for Jetty 9.2 will still be provided through Webtide. Anyone interested in such support is encouraged to
contact us for more information.
The Jetty Team