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[jetty-announce] Jetty 9.3.21 Released!

The Jetty team is happy to announce the immediate availability of a new release for the Eclipse Jetty 9.3.x branch.

Jetty 9.3.21 contains a number of bug fixes and enhancements and it is recommended that all users upgrade as soon as they are able. Changes for this release are listed below.

This release available on the Eclipse Jetty project download page or from the Maven Central repository:

Documentation for this release can be found on the Eclipse Jetty project site:

If you find any issues with this release, or if you want to suggest future enhancements, please file an issue on the Jetty GitHub page:

Commercial production and development support for Jetty is offered through Webtide ( Please contact us for more information or email jesse@xxxxxxxxxxx to learn more.

Best Regards,

The Jetty Development Team

jetty-9.3.21.v20170918 - 18 September 2017
 + 487 JDK 9 build compatibility
 + 1116 Support empty HTTP header values
 + 1357 RolloverFileOutputStream: No rollout performed at midnight
 + 1469 RolloverFileOutputStream: IllegalStateException Task already scheduled
 + 1507 RolloverFileOutputStream: Negative delay Timer.schedule exception
 + 1513 RolloverFileOutputStream: can't handle multiple instances
 + 1515 Improved RollOverFileOutputStream removeOldFiles() behavior
 + 1556 Remove a timing channel in Password matching
 + 1590 Improve RolloverFileOutputStream functionality with multiple TimeZones
 + 1655 Improve extensibility of ServerConnector
 + 1661 AbstractProxyServlet onProxyResponseFailure Error
 + 1664 IPAccessHandler CIDR IP range check is incorrect
 + 1685 Update ALPN support for Java 8u141
 + 1687 HTTP2: Correcting missing callback notification when channel not found
 + 1702 Update ALPN support for Java 8u144
 + 1703 Improve HttpInput failure logging
 + 1719 HTTP/2: Improve handling of queued requests
 + 1741 Java 9 javadoc failure in build
 + 1749 Dump HttpDestination exchange queue
 + 1750 PoolingHttpDestination creates ConnectionPool twice
 + 1759 HTTP/2: producer can block in onReset
 + 1790 HTTP/2: 100% CPU usage seen during close/shutdown of endpoint
 + 475546 ClosedChannelException when connection to HTTPS over HTTP proxy with CONNECT

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