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[jetty-announce] Corrected: Jetty 9.2.20 and Jetty 9.3.15 Released!


The Jetty team is happy to announce the release of new versions for both the 9.2.x and 9.3.x branches of Jetty. 

Jetty 9.2.20.v20161216
This is a maintenance release which includes several bug fixes. Changes for this release include:

+ 295 Ensure Jetty Client use of Deflater / Inflater calls .end() to avoid memory leak
+ Reset Response buffer size
+ 1051 NCSARequestLog/RolloverFileOutputStream does not roll day after DST ends
+ 1057 Improve WebSocketUpgradeFilter fast path performance 
+ 1090 Allow WebSocketUpgradeFilter to be used by WEB-INF/web.xml 
+ 1124 Allow configuration of WebSocket mappings from Spring 
+ 1130 PROXY protocol support reports incorrect remote address 
+ Reset Response buffer size

Jetty 9.3.15.v20161220
This release includes several bug fixes as well as enhancements to SSL. Changes for this release include:

+ 240 Missing content for multipart request after upgrade to Jetty > 9.2.7
+ 905 Jetty terminates SSL connections too early with Connection: close
+ 1020 Java Util Logging properties in wrong location
+ 1050 Add multiple FilterHolder to a ServletContextHandler may cause problems
+ 1051 NCSARequestLog/RolloverFileOutputStream does not roll day after DST ends
+ 1054 Using WebSocketPingPongListener with empty PING payload results in NullPointerException
+ 1057 Improve WebSocketUpgradeFilter fast path performance
+ 1062 Jetty allows requests to hang under PUT load
+ 1063 HostPortHttpField should handle port-only values
+ 1064 HttpClient sets chunked transfer-encoding
+ 1065 Response.setBufferSize checks for written content.
+ 1069 Host header should be sent with HTTP/1.0
+ 1072 InetAccessHandler needs InetAddress & Path based restrictions like IPAccessHandler did
+ 1078 DigestAuthentication should use realm from server, even if unknown in advance
+ 1081 DigestAuthenticator does not check the realm sent by the client
+ 1090 Allow WebSocketUpgradeFilter to be used by WEB-INF/web.xml
+ 1092 jetty-runner jstl support
+ 1098 MimeTypes.getCharsetFromContentType() unable parse "application/pdf;;; charset=UTF-8"
+ 1099 PushCacheFilter pushes POST requests
+ 1108 Please improve logging in SslContextFactory when there are no approved cipher suites
+ 1114 Add testcase for WSUF for stop/start of the Server
+ 1118 Filter.destroy() conflicts with ContainerLifeCycle.destroy() in WebSocketUpgradeFilter
+ 1123 Broken lifecycle for WebSocket's mappings
+ 1124 Allow configuration of WebSocket mappings from Spring
+ 1130 PROXY protocol support reports incorrect remote address
+ 1134 Jetty HTTP/2 client problems
+ 1135 Avoid allocations from Method.getParameterTypes() if possible
+ 1146 jetty.server.HttpInput deadlock
+ 1161 HttpClient and WebSocketClient should not remove all cookies on stop
+ 1169 HTTP/2 reset on a stalled write does not unblock writer thread
+ 1171 jetty-client throws NPE for request to IDN hosts only when `HttpClient#send(...)` is called
+ 1175 Reading HttpServletRequest InputStream from a Filter then accessing getParameterNames() results in Missing content for multipart request
+ 1181 Review buffer underflow cases in SslConnection
+ 1186 Where can i find SocketConnector .java and etc?

Both releases are available on the Eclipse Jetty project download page or from the Maven Central repository:

Documentation for these releases can be found on the Eclipse Jetty project site:

If you find any issues with either release, or if you want to suggest future enhancements, please file an issue on the Jetty GitHub page:

Commercial production and development support for Jetty are offered through Webtide ( Please contact us for more information or email jesse@xxxxxxxxxxx to learn more.

Change logs for these releases are listed below.

Best Regards,

The Jetty Development Team

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