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[jersey-dev] PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager not releasing connections


hitting one more snag in the upgrade...

I was hoping that PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager is a drop-in
replacement for the deprecated ThreadSafeClientConnManager.

But with the seemingly identical configuration and the same
setDefaultMaxPerRoute(5) setting, our client connections started
hanging after reaching the per route limit:

    PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager:266 - Connection request:
[route: {s}->https://localhost:4443][total kept alive: 0; route
allocated: 5 of 5; total allocated: 10 of 20]

Looking in the logs of the 1.19 version, it seems that the limit was
ignored - no connections available, but a new one is created anyway:

    ThreadSafeClientConnManager:221 - Get connection:
HttpRoute[{s}->https://localhost:4443], timeout = 0
    ConnPoolByRoute:350 - [HttpRoute[{s}->https://localhost:4443]]
total kept alive: 1, total issued: 0, total allocated: 1 out of 20
    ConnPoolByRoute:523 - No free connections
    ConnPoolByRoute:369 - Available capacity: 5 out of 5
    ConnPoolByRoute:549 - Creating new connection

So my questions are:
- is this the expected behavior of PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager?
Is it different from PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager?
- what do we do to avoid the client hanging?
- I suppose we need to introduce a (short) connection timeout - how do
we do that?

I've created a JerseyTest with our config that illustrates the problem:



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