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[jdt-ui-dev] Re: [eclipse-dev] Exclusion filters and nested source folders

The build path dialog should always add the trailing slash when a folder is
selected for exclusion.

---------------------- Forwarded by Philippe P Mulet/France/IBM on
12/13/2002 07:01 PM ---------------------------

Philippe P Mulet
12/13/2002 11:32 AM

To:    eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
From:  Philippe P Mulet/France/IBM@ibm
Subject:    Re: [eclipse-dev] Exclusion filters and nested source folders
       (Document link: Philippe P Mulet)

Exclusion filters are strictly implementing the Ant directory tasks
conventions used in file sets,
also see:

"Jerome Lanneluc" <Jerome_Lanneluc@xxxxxxx> on 12/12/2002
07:01:04 PM

Please respond to eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

Sent by:    eclipse-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

To:    eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:    [eclipse-dev] Exclusion filters and nested source folders

If you are already using nested folders on the build path, you know that
you must associate an exclusion filter with the outer folder so that it
excludes the nested folder.

For example, if you have the following folder structure:

Project P
+- src1
and you define P/src1 and P/src1/src2 as source folders, the build path
entry for P/src1 must have a filter that excludes P/src1/src2.

In the current integration build, you can write the exclusion filter as
simply as 'src2'. However this means that only P/src1/src2 is excluded and
not its children. So we strengthen the rule so that you will have to write
the exclusion filter with a trailing slash (e.g. 'src2/') to say that
P/src1/src2 and its children are excluded.

This change will be in next integration build.


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