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[jdt-dev] IAccessRules on transitive exports

Hi team,


I pray that you are all well.

Executive Summary:

I'm having trouble with a custom classpath container that implements access rules on a transitive dependency. The dependency transitively included via two separate projects. Each of those projects has different access rules, and despite the fact that I'm specifying K_IGNORE_IF_BETTER, it seems that the access rules of the first get applied to the transitive dependency and the second's get ignored (even if they are "better" = more accessible).


My workspace has:


A jar library osgi.core, which has a set of public packages;

Project A, which has osgi.core as its sole dependency, and no classes of its own, but embeds package org.osgi.framework as part of its public API and org.osgi.util.tracker as a non-public package.

Project B, which also has osgi.core as a dependency, but which doesn't embed any packages from it.

What I want is for the osgi.core library to be made visible to transitive dependencies, but only the relevant subset of packages that is referenced by the "in-transit" project. Ie, suppose project D has only project A on its build path -  it should be able to see package org.osgi.framework without warnings, org.osgi.util.tracker with warnings, and all other packages of osgi.core should generate errors. Likewise, if it has project B on its build path, it shouldn't be able to see any of the packages of osgi.core without generating an error.

I have implemented a scheme that works fine using Eclipse 2020-06:

-Project A's custom container adds osgi.core using JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(), with the export flag set to "true". Likewise for project B.

-When Project D has Project A as the sole entry on its build path, the container adds it using JavaCore.newProjectEntry(), export set to "true", combine access rules set to "true", org.osgi.framework with an IAccessRule of K_ACCESSIBLE, org.osgi.util.tracker with K_DISCOURAGED | K_IGNORE_IF_BETTER, and a final default rule of "**" with K_NON_ACCESSIBLE | K_IGNORE_IF_BETTER. This produces the expected result - classes in project D can see classes in org.osgi.framework without warning, can see org.osgi.util.tracker with a warning, and an attempt to access any other package in osgi.core generates an error.

-Likewise, when Project D has Project A as the sole entry, the container adds it with JavaCore.newProjectEntry(), export true, combine rules true, and a single default rule of "**" with K_NON_ACCESSIBLE | K_IGNORE_IF_BETTER. This too works as expected.

What is not expected is when I try to add both project A and B to the build path at the same time. In this case, instead of the visibility into the transitive dependency osgi.core being determined by the most lenient access rules (which is what I understood "IGNORE_IF_BETTER" to mean), it is determined by the access rules of whichever dependency appears first on the build path. Ie, if project A comes first, the classes of project D can see org.osgi.framework and (with a warning) org.osgi.util.tracker - however, if project B comes first on the build path, then none of the org.osgi packages is osgi.core are visible to project D.

Am I missing something here? Have I misconfigured it? Does IGNORE_IF_BETTER not work the way that I expect it? Or is there a bug?

Any light that anyone could shed on this would be much appreciated.


logo-blue (version 2 cut out)Fr Jeremy Krieg

Chief Executive Officer


Greek Welfare Centre SA

St Philothei

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia


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