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[jdt-dev] Performance of type and constructor completions

Hi jdt-dev,

we get a couple of complains that Subwords Completion is slowing down content assist. There is actually a significant slowdown when it comes to type and constructor completions. 

To make Subwords work (for type and constructor completions), we trigger content assist a second time after the first char of the prefix string - if there was one. The problem we experience then is, that triggering code completion on very short prefixes is extremely slow (compared to triggering completion with a prefix of 2,3 or even more letters) for types and constructors. 

With that email I’d like to start a discussion whether it’s possible for JDT to find ways to significantly improve the speed of content assist for type and constructor completions. Would it be possible to improve performance? If so, how - and how much would it cost (in terms of time)?

Our ultimate goal would be to create completion proposals even without *any* prefix for type and constructor completions. But this is currently not possible with JDT if we want to reuse its cu.codeComplete() methods.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated.


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