Hi All,
One thing we need to move 3.1 forward is more participation in the review process, especially the TCK-related PR’s. I know these are hard to review, but it doesn’t need to be a detailed review.
— Santiago
A few more projects missed their deadlines, and we have been given a little more time to finish up things. I'm currently integrating Jakarta REST 3.1 and Jersey 3.1 in GlassFish to cover the practicalities of that. So far no spec related issues
found, but I've yet to run the (new) TCK on that. Hope so to do this soon.
Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms
Dear Committers,
our original deadline was missed, so the question is, how do we go on from here?
Any ideas? Plans? Opinions? Show Stoppers? Issues we could skip?
BTW: I really kindly ask EVERY committer to answer, not just Jan, Santiago and Andy. ;-)
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