Hello All,
Looking at the Jakarta EE 10 documentation [1][2] it shows the Jakarta RESTful Web Services is 3.1. However, looking at the Jakarta RESTful Web Services specification site it shows 3.1 is not associated with a release and 4.0 is the version that
will be used in Jakarta EE 10. Though as the spreadsheet shows [2] 4.0 is "Expected after Jakarta EE 10".
Finally, on the release plan for 3.1 it shows it's targeting Jakarta EE 9 which is incorrect as well.
It seems like it would be good to clean up which version of the specification aligns with which version of Jakarta EE so as to not be confusing for the community. I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to bring this up in, but if it is not
please let me know where I should bring this up.
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