- The Travis CI check has been disabled. We should enable a new check shortly.
- Merge approved PR’s if you're confident that they won't break anything.
— Santiago
Thanks for all the info regarding GitHub Actions. Looking into it for Jakarta REST …
— Santiago
It's free for public repositories:
"Which plans include access to GitHub Actions and Packages?
GitHub Actions and Packages are free for public repositories and packages on all plans, while private repositories and packages receive a set amount of free minutes, storage, and data transfer depending on plan."
It's used quite extensively with Red Hat projects.
This document https://github.com/pricing says
there are 2000 minutes per month for free usage of
GitHub Actions. But this limitation seems to be per the org, i.e. whole eclipse-ee4j, is it not?
-- Jan
It's possible I've missed previous conversations about this, but is there a reason not to use GitHub Actions?
This might work for PRs, but how can non-Eclipse-members run configuration-free builds of their forks there? This was the major benefit ot Travis, actually.
Will the EF open their services for non-members?
Von: jaxrs-dev [mailto:jaxrs-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Im Auftrag von Ivar Grimstad
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2021 15:28
An: jaxrs developer discussions
Betreff: Re: [jaxrs-dev] Travis CI?
Ivar Grimstad
Jakarta EE Developer Advocate |
Eclipse Foundation
Foundation - Community. Code. Collaboration.
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