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Re: [jaxrs-dev] Committer Nomination for Christian Kaltepoth



have you finished all the EF paperwork? If yes, it is simply a mistake of the EF I think, as all former EG members are initial committers by definition. Otherwise please finish the paperwork.





From: Sebastian Daschner [mailto:mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Samstag, 17. März 2018 21:30
To: jaxrs developer discussions; Markus KARG
Subject: Re: [jaxrs-dev] Committer Nomination for Christian Kaltepoth


I would love to vote for Christian, but apparently I can't; I'm not listed under the 21 committers.

I was part of JSR 370; how can I get listed as part of what-is-going-to-replace-the-EG (committers, I guess?) as well? :-)



On 03/17/2018 05:20 PM, Markus KARG wrote:



as announced, today I have nominated Christian Kaltepoth as JAX-RS API committer.


There are 21 commiters registered at the Eclipse Foundation for this project. Votes are accepted in the range Saturday, March 17, 2018 to Saturday, March 24, 2018.


I'd like to kindly ask all of these 21 people to use the Eclipse Foundation's voting tool to cast their vote within the next days.


Cast vote here:






From: Markus KARG [mailto:markus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Mittwoch, 14. März 2018 10:36
To: 'jaxrs developer discussions'
Subject: Committer Nomination for Christian Kaltepoth




Ivar, Santiago and me like to propose to nominate Christian Kaltepoth as a new commiter of the JAX-RS Project.


Following Ivar’s advice as PMC lead, we are hereby informing you about this idea. The reason is that we want to had Christian as an initial committer originall due to the valueable contributions of him to the MVC API (which is basing on JAX-RS), but adding him later „officially“ needs at several commits to the JAX-RS. In fact, such commits have not been done and will follow, so in theory we could not vote for him right now.


As his value for the JAX-RS project is very high from a more abstract view besides just technical commits, we want to kindly propose that we accept him as a commiter now despite his commits not being merged.


If that is ok for you, please +1 on our proposal. We will file the official Nomination in the Eclipse Nomination Tool afterwards.



-Markus and Ivar   

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