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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Removing unused imports/wildcards from TCK tests and collecting Platform TCK dependencies to help with the (possible) Platform TCK test refactoring that we need to start talking about soon ...

On 12/2/20 3:13 PM, Scott Marlow wrote:

On 12/2/20 11:01 AM, Frederic Gurr wrote:
On 02.12.20 15:57, Scott Marlow wrote:
Are there other editors that might better handle removing unused imports
+ wildcard imports?

Have you heard of the Eclipse IDE? It's supposed to be quite good. ;)

So with Intellij, not all of the Java wildfly imports were eliminated (unless I manually opened individual files and removed imports from there).

s/wildfly/wildcard ;)

With Eclipse, other than some mistake that I must be making in creating the workspace/project that leads to deletion of a bunch of xml files under the TCK bin folder (easy to `git restore bin/*.*` to workaround), the Eclipse `Organize imports` works really well.

After eliminating the unused Java imports, I ran the script again and produced a report that shows the per (Jakarta EE Platform TCK) test group dependencies and number of Platform SPEC assertions as well (per test group).

I'll look at creating a pull request after I run to update the Copyright dates.

Fred, thanks for the encouragement to try using the Eclipse IDE to do the refactoring!  :-)




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