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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] [glassfish-dev] Ongoing GlassFish testing

On 11/24/20 10:35 AM, Steve Millidge (Payara) wrote:

As we move to getting a GlassFish final released. I’ve a question on TCK testing. Up to the release of Jakarta EE we’ve been using the TCK project Jenkins jobs to test GlassFish compatibility. Now that the TCK has been released some questions come to mind.

Should we move testing over to the GlassFish Jenkins instance or keep it at the TCK Jenkins?

IMO there may be some (Platform/Spec) process discussions needed but I am +1 on starting the GlassFish TCK testing in a different place than the Platform TCK CI, so the Platform TCK CI starts out just focused on getting the Platform TCK to build on JDK 11 and when GlassFish is ready for TCK testing, you do not have to wait on the Platform TCK team to kick off jobs periodically (on our schedule), instead you can run the TCKs on your schedule that you adjust as needed for developing GlassFish JDK11 support.

We also still need validation that all required/optional TCKs are passing.

If we decide to move to the GlassFish instance can somebody help with updating the TCK jobs here or create new testing jobs?

+1, any volunteers from the Platform TCK team to help?

If we decide to keep GlassFish testing on the TCK instance can somebody help kick off jobs periodically?



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