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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] [ejb-dev] Question about removing failing EJB legacy compatibility tests in Jakarta EE 9 Platform TCK

The intent of the compatibility tests are exactly that compatibility with the older Java EE releases. They should either be supported as is or removed.

Given this is Jakarta EE and not Java EE then you should remove these unless you are supporting the Java EE XSDs.  They are not the same test otherwise.


On Sep 9, 2020, at 10:26 AM, Jean-Louis Monteiro <jlmonteiro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


On top of my head, there is only Interop and JAX-RPC related features/tests pruned.
Entity CMP/BMP are part of the optional spec (as opposed to required).

But one may still want to implement and therefore test it, isn't it?

On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 5:51 PM Scott Marlow <smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Does the EJB team have input to share on removing legacy EJB BMP/CMP compatibility tests that were written to test J2EE 1.2/1.3/1.4?

As part of the conversion to use Jakarta EE 9 XSDs  [1], we updated 1.2/1.3/1.4 BMP/CMP compatibility tests.  Now that we are seeing test failures [2].  We are wondering if we should instead remove failing tests [3][4][5].  

We updated these tests to use the Jakarta EE 9 XSDs because Jakarta EE 9 implementations are only required to support Jakarta EE 8+ schemas.

Could the EJB team give a quick answer on this (by Sept 10)?  If more than a few days is needed, please do indicate so.


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Lance Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037
Oracle Java Engineering 
1 Network Drive 
Burlington, MA 01803

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