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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Unable to run Servlet TCK on Java 11

On 6/19/20 11:02 AM, Steve Millidge (Payara) wrote:
From my perspective GlassFish is aiming to certify on JDK 11. The current milestone runs on JDK 8 however the next phase of work is to get that running (and hopefully compiling) on JDK 11.

IMO, we should setup our TCK CI jobs to run with either JDK 8 or 11, so we can get more eyes on the JDK 11 failures.



*From:*jakartaee-tck-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <jakartaee-tck-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> *On Behalf Of *Scott Stark
*Sent:* 19 June 2020 14:26
*To:* jakartaee-tck developer discussions <jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
*Subject:* Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Unable to run Servlet TCK on Java 11

 From the release plan:

The TCK requirement is that it MUST be run against Java 11, but may additionally use 8:

      Java SE Version

For inclusion in Jakarta EE 9, specification’s APIs MUST be compiled at the Java SE 8 source level. However, compatible implementations of the Jakarta EE 9 Web Profile and Full Profile MUST certify compatibility on Java SE 11. Compatible Implementations MAY additionally certify and support Java SE 8.


So option 3 would seem to be the best approach in my view. Tag the current TCK source so that running a Java SE 8 version of the TCK could look to use that if it is desired.

Is GlassFish going to certify against Java SE 8?

On Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 8:08 AM Mark Thomas <markt@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:markt@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:


    I am currently working the Servlet TCK and have hit an issue when
    running on Java 11.

    The Servlet TCK tests HTTP/2 functionality. To do this is uses an HTTP/2
    client provided by http.jar. This appears the Java 9 module
    jdk.incubator.http ported to Java 8. I can't find the source code for
    ported version anywhere. The issue is that the ported code references
    sun.misc.InnocuousThread which isn't present in Java 11.

    I have looked at several potential solutions:

    1. Avoid the code that triggers loading of InnocuousThread
    This isn't possible.

    2. Switch to a different HTTP/2 client. Apache HttpClient 5.0 supports
    HTTP/2 but that would require an upgrade to HttpClient 5.0 for at least
    all of the Servlet 5.0 TCK. It should be a safe upgrade but there are
    risks attached to an upgrade. I dismissed this option due to the risks.

    3. Provide a Java 11 version of these TCK tests that uses the API. This should be fairly easy to write but it would then
    require the Servlet TCK to be compiled with Java 11. I am assuming that
    a change to compiling with Java 11 is not an option at this stage.

    4. Use reflection to provide a Java 8 compilable solution that uses Java
    11 features when running on Java 11. This looks possible but is a lot of
    work. It appears to be made more complex by changes in the API between
    the incubator stage in Java 9 and the final version in Java 11.

    5. Use BCEL to remove the references to InnocuousThread in http.jar.
    This looks doable at this stage. There may be further complications once
    the InnocuousThread issues are fixed.

    My current thinking is:
    - explore option 5
    - if it works, provide the code I use to 'patch' http.jar in a text file
       along side the HTTP/2 tests along with the patched JAR in a PR

    Thoughts on my proposed solution? Suggestions of a better solution?


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