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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Unable to access jarfile in test run

On 6/18/20 5:15 AM, Alwin Joseph wrote:
Thanks Scott.

On 18/06/20 7:33 am, Scott Marlow wrote:

We should be creating the ts_dep folder but still see:

Error: Unable to access jarfile /root/jakartaeetck/bin/xml/../../dist/com/sun/ts/tests/samples/ejb/ee/simpleHello/ts_dep/ejb_sam_HelloClient.jar

I think that we need to understand why the EJB stubs jar is not being generated and which code exactly should be generating the EJB stubs jar.

I'll look for more clues in the git differences between 8.0.2 + master.

Looks like we need to invoke the GlassFish admin get-client-stubs [1] to generate the EJB stub classes in dist/com/sun/ts/tests/samples/ejb/ee/simpleHello/ts_dep/ejb_sam_HelloClient.jar.

We previously used to invoke org.glassfish.deployment.client.DeploymentFacility.getClientStubs(String location, String moduleID), which internally seems to use get-client-stubs [1].

I think that we need to update jakartaee-tck/bin/xml/impl/glassfish/deploy.xml to generate the stubs with [1], as we previously did via org.glassfish.deployment.client.DeploymentFacility.getClientStubs().

To do this, we need to update com.sun.ts.lib.implementation.sun.javaee.glassfish.AutoDeployment.deploy(DeploymentInfo info) to either pass enough information on the -deploy ant call or add a new ant call for generating the stubs.

Ok, so I guess we need to invoke the get-client-stubs from the commented line "//df.getClientStubs.." at [2] since we have the required information at this point.

I will check how to implement this.

Note that the deploy() method is already calling ant with "-deploy" via [3], which is an example that could be followed (perhaps we could inline the getClientClassPath method or have it return the needed information to its caller (deploy()).

Thanks for making the change for this!



Make sense?



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