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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] convert references in wrong comments?

Bill, can you please create an issue so that we can track and attempt to fix the comments ?

On 01/04/20 3:54 pm, Lance Andersen wrote:

I would remove any unused properties(thought there is no harm if they are there) that you discover. and if you come across an obvious comment issue I would attempt to clean it up the best you can.


On Mar 31, 2020, at 9:53 PM, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I think there's a lot of copy&paste that goes on when developing tests.
For example, in src/com/sun/ts/tests/ejb/ee/deploy/mdb/resref/single/
I see this:

  * @class.setup_props: org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass; java.naming.factory.initial;
  *                     mailuser1; webServerHost; webServerPort; mailFrom;
  *                     mailHost; jms_timeout; user; password;

mailFrom and mailHost aren't referenced at all.
mailuser1 is used to set a string that used later in a test (below),
but there's no clue whether it's being used as a JavaMail user.

Then there's this:

  * @testName: testSession
  * @assertion_ids: EJB:SPEC:10766
  * @test_Strategy: Create a message-driven Bean declaring a resource reference
  *                 for a javax.mail.Session.
  *                 Check that: - We can deploy the application. - We can
  *                 lookup the mail session. - We can use this factory to send
  *                 a mail.
 public void testSession() throws Fault {

   boolean pass = false;
   String testCase = "testSession";
   int testNum = 2;

   try {
     qSender = session.createSender(mdbQ);
     createTestMessage(testCase, testNum);
     msg.setStringProperty("recipient", recipient);

     if (!checkOnResponse(testCase)) {
       throw new Fault("[Client] " + testCase + " failed ");
   } catch (Exception e) {
     logErr("[Client] " + testCase + " failed: " + e);
     throw new Fault("[Client] " + testCase + " failed: ", e);

The code doesn't correspond to the comments at all.

It looks like the test code was copied from the JavaMail test code
and then converted int JMS test code, without updating the comments.

Or, there's some magic going on here that I just don't understand and
isn't explained in the comments.

When converting javax.mail references to jakarta.mail, what should I do
with stuff like this that is almost certainly bogus?  Leave it as it is,
or convert it?
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Lance Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037
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