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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] OOMs while running some buckets

On 8/2/19 10:35 AM, Nichole Stewart wrote:
While running some of the Jakarta TCK buckets (ie the jpa/core/criteriaapi/CriteriaBuilder bucket) an OOM occurs and is placed under the <jakarta tck home>/bin directory and all subsequent tests error with an OOM message.  Upon analysis of the heap dumps, the memory leak suspect is java/lang/Object with the object instances being com/sun/javatest/TestResult.  If I change the -Xmx512m value in the <jakarta tck home>/bin/xml/ file, I can run for longer but the process still eventually OOMs with the same leak suspect.  The process that is getting the OOM is the one that runs the tests.   Has anyone else encountered this problem?  How can I get around it?

Have you tried also increasing the -Xms value to match the -Xmx, to the same larger value? If not, that might be worth trying to ensure that the -Xmx specified max heap size is obtainable in your test environment.

The "javatest.batch" defaults appear to set a 256mb minimum Java heap size:

 <jvmarg value="-Xms256m"/>
 <jvmarg value="-Xmx512m"/>

Hope this helps,


*Nichole Stewart*
WAS System Test / CitiGroup Lab Advocate
*Phone:*1-919-486-1192| *Tie-Line:*526-1192*
E-mail:*_nstewart@xxxxxx.com_ <mailto:nstewart@xxxxxxxxxx>	

4205 S Miami Blvd
Durham, NC 27703-9141
United States

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