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[jakartaee-tck-dev] Committer Election for Scott Marlow on Eclipse Jakarta EE TCK has started

A committer election for Scott Marlow on project Eclipse Jakarta EE TCK
(ee4j.jakartaee-tck) was started by Kevin Sutter with this criteria:

Scott is the long time Java EE CTS maintainer/manager for Redhat's CTS
efforts.  He has been quite active on the TCK dev list as well as the CI/CD
discussions.  (He participated on the CI/CD call we had a couple of weeks
ago.)  He has also volunteered to work on the JavaMail CTS effort via Bill
Shannon.  Redhat currently doesn't have any committers on the Jakarta EE TCK
project and it would be good to get their participation and input.  Scott
would be an excellent addition to the team.

Eclipse Jakarta EE TCK project committers can click the election link below
to vote.



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