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[jakartaee-platform-dev] EE 11 Platform TCK Status update to Steering committee
  • From: Ed Burns <Edward.Burns@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2024 16:26:28 +0000
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  • Thread-topic: EE 11 Platform TCK Status update to Steering committee

Please pardon the wide distribution. I request that any replies to this thread happen on the Platform Dev list or directly to me, and I will forward any individual responses to the Platform Dev list.


Greetings programs and committees via Cc.


Consider this an out-of-band status update to my update at the Steering Committee meeting on Tuesday 2024-10-15. At that meeting, I stated:


  • The Platform Project is re-evaluating the ability to deliver EE 11 in time for the ballots to complete in time for JakartaOne on 2024-12-03.
  • We are confident to be able to do this for the Core Profile.
  • We are not as confident to do this for the Web and Platform profiles.


Here is the update I gave at the Spec Committee on Wednesday 2024-10-16 , with Scott Stark present and representing the Platform TCK project:



The Platform TCK Team did some estimating, with the following changes:


  • Assume <stakeholder consented estimating exercises from 2024-10-16 Platform TCK call (See agenda)>
  • With these changes, we got to GF passing 84%.
  • For discussion let's call this the "11 with exclusions" proposal.
    • We propose to exclude the remaining 16%
    • produce a list of those excluded tests, and let the stakeholders decide.
    • It is likely that the big portion of those excluded tests are appclient tests.
  • The Platform TCK team discussed several options for producing an offer with a high likelihood of acceptance by the voting stakeholders of the Spec Committee but put them aside in favor of the "11 with exclusions" proposal.
  • Discussion at the Spec Committee revealed that the "11 with exclusions" proposal does not have a high likelihood of acceptance by the voting stakeholders of the Spec Committee.
  • Ed revived one of the "put aside" proposals from the Platform TCK Team.
    • For discussion let's call this the "10 + 11" proposal.
    • To be a ratifying compatible implementation of the Jakarta EE 11 Platform and Web Profiles, an implementation must:
      • Pass the Jakarta EE 11 Platform TCK according to the "11 with exclusions" proposal.
      • Pass the off-the-shelf Jakarta EE 10 Platform TCK, but with a well-defined set of exclusions, as defined by the Jakarta EE Platform Project team and TCK team.


Here is the update I am giving you now:


The Jakarta EE Platform Project team and TCK team believes the above "10 + 11" proposal is the most likely way to deliver EE 11 in time for the ballots to complete in time for JakartaOne on 2024-12-03.




Ed Burns

Jakarta EE 11 co-release coordinator



| edburns@xxxxxxxxxxxxx | office: +1 954 727 1095

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