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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] [jakartaee-tck-dev] Fwd: Help Desk | Migration of Jakarta EE TCK Jenkins instance to new backend storage device (#5070)

Thanks Arjan for helping!  We think that we have freed enough disk space up so that we can proceed to take down our TCK Jenkins.  The only concern that I have now is the EE 11 release schedule which has no time for Jenkins maintenance. 

The current proposal on is to take jenkins down tomorrow night and start backing the data device up and then migrate to the new disk.  Lets discuss on the Platform call tomorrow the proposed schedule to start the data transfer Tuesday night in case anyone has input against taking time to perform the migration to a new storage device.


On 10/2/24 5:04 PM, Arjan Tijms via jakartaee-tck-dev wrote:

I've already deleted a few jobs that were very clearly outdated. I'll try to look for some more at least.

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

On Wed, 2 Oct 2024 at 18:52, Scott Marlow via jakartaee-tck-dev <jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

As per below guidance, we need to reduce our TCK diskspace usage.  We need to remove outdated build jobs.  Do we have any outdated jobs though?  I think that we can update our jobs to only keep two results and also delete any unneeded promoted or staged TCK archives that have already been promoted to the official download locations. 


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Help Desk | Migration of Jakarta EE TCK Jenkins instance to new backend storage device (#5070)
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 2024 13:31:14 +0000
From: Frederic Gurr (@fgurr) <gitlab@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: GitLab <noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx

Frederic Gurr created an issue: #5070


As announced here and discussed here, we are in the process of migrating Jenkins instance to a new backend storage device.

The Jakarta EE TCK Jenkins instance is the largest instance wrt to disk usage (currently ~270 GB) and has a massive impact on the performance of our backend storage device.

There are two action items:

  1. To minimize downtime during the migration, we need to ask for support from the project to drastically reduce the disk usage by doing the following:

  2. We need to find a suitable time frame for a maintenance window, preferably next week (CW 41), depending on when the cleanup is done. Depending on the remaining size, the Jenkins instance will be offline for several hours while the Jenkins Home dir is transferred to the new backend storage device. I would suggest starting the transfer in the late European evening, so there will be a good chance to finish it the next morning. Please let me know, when would be a good time for it. Are any releases planned in the upcoming weeks?

/cc @smarlowsxi @sstark88g

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