I am still learning the Jakarta EE 11 and waiting for the new Glassfish Milestones for every spec update.
There should be a GlassFish milestone soon with all the final APIs for EE 11 indeed.
1. What is the Java SE baseline for Jakarta EE 12?
That should be Java SE 25 according to the plan set a while ago. I'm not sure if we officially put it somewhere, but in practice we always add the LTS minus 1 as well, so that would be Java SE 21. For Jakarta EE 12 we may want to put this in the plan from the get go. So then the baseline would practically become Java SE 21, with additional support for Java SE 25.
2. Any work planned in Jakarta EE 11 but postponed will be included in Jakarta EE 12?
I guess so, but that does depend on the individual teams too.
Some important things that have been postponed are the separate API for Faces, and see if we can finally add the @Deprecated annotation somewhere in Jakarta REST. The plan for EE 11 was to use CDI for Jakarta REST, then the plan changed to first deprecate, but eventually we didn't even manage to deprecate. It seems trivial, but in reality adding just the @Deprecated annotation is really complex.
We also have been kicking the can down the road forever to add @Lock to concurrency. It basically has been ready in several vendor implementations for years, but we always forget to add it to the spec until a month before the end-date, when it's too late.
Security has a similar thing with a CDI @RolesAllowed version, and for EE 11 specifically a Jakarta Security / CDI friendly way to handle custom Policies.
For Persistence there's the stateless EntityManager that was discussed, but didn't make it into EE 11. I guess the team would like to pick that up for EE 12 again.
Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms
+1. All for progress!
> On Jun 21, 2024, at 12:20 PM, Arjan Tijms via jakartaee-platform-dev <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> With the last API of Jakarta EE 11 released, from an API design point Jakarta EE 11 is done.
> There's still an unknown amount of time needed to get to a platform TCK for Jakarta EE 11, but since this can likely take many, many months, perhaps it's a good idea to officially kick off Jakarta EE 12 already?
> We can then start working on Jakarta EE 12 in parallel with the Jakarta EE 11 platform TCK work. The individual APIs (specs) are not really dependent on that, nor should any of the work involved with Jakarta EE 12 process planning. That way we can keep our planned alignment with the Java SE releases that we consider to be special, i.e. Oracle's LTS for Java SE 25 in September 2025.
> Thoughts?
> Kind regards,
> Arjan Tijms
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