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[jakartaee-platform-dev] IMPORTANT: Waves 1 - 4: Start release review 29 February: 9 days from today

Hello platform developers and project leads,


As Ajan and I have been saying in the Tuesday 11:00 EST calls (minutescalendar) Wave 1 - 4 specs are expected to start their release review phase by 29 Feb 2024. This is 9 days from today.


We have continually been asking the spec project leads who attend the call to alert us of any schedule threats and reassure us that your spec project is still on track. So far, so good.


Wave 1, 2, 3, 4 specs release review initiated by 2024-02-29 (leap day)

  • Jakarta Annotations*
  • Jakarta JSON Processing*
  • Jakarta _expression_ Language*
  • Jakarta Interceptors*
  • Jakarta Lang Model*
  • Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection*
  • Jakarta Mail*

After this, we will have M2.  Other specs are encouraged to do a refresh of what they did for M1, with any updates. Please don't think that just because you're not in Wave 1 - 4 you cannot take action now! All specs are welcome to put out a newer milestone than what they did in M1.

For the complete picture of EE 11, from now until final release, see the release plan: .


Thanks, and we hope to see you at the platform dev call.




Ed and Arjan




| edburns@xxxxxxxxxxxxx | office: +1 954 727 1095

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