> I think we decided earlier that we move the EE integration concerns from
the CDI specification to a CDI EE specification (still part of the CDI
By introducing a new CDI-integration spec, I assumed a new spec project and a spec team. If that's not the case, it should be clarified in the proposal.
Proposal 1 didn't mention that the new specification would be handled by the same CDI project. If that's the case, then I see this just as a cosmetic change, not much to dispute about. I wouldn't even introduce a new official specification, just separate the EE-related artifacts (API, PDF, TCK). What I mean, there can still be one formal specification project that just delivers 2 sets of specs (SE spec and EE-integration spec on top of it). Not much would change in
https://jakarta.ee/specifications/cdi/, just a new version of CDI would produce 2 separated sets of deliverables. Is that possible?
I think this is the best option until other specs adopt relevant parts of the CDI-EE integration and then we can discontinue such separate CDI-EE specification. Meanwhile, we should work with the other spec teams on how they can adopt these integrations.