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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Why haven't we removed Managed Beans?


On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 2:04 AM David Blevins <dblevins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Disagreements resulted in a JSR-330 Dependency Injection to offer dependency injection without the icky EE stuff and later Managed Beans in hopes of offering one true generic component model. 

I kinda took Managed Beans at the time as a tiny step between CDI and JSR330/AtInject. The latter being so thin that it practically offered nothing concrete beyond a set of shared annotations that behaved wildfly different in things like HK2, Guice and CDI/Weld/OWB. Managed Beans then talked about a waver thin component model for it, which was again almost nothing, but a small step beyond the totally nothing of JSR330/AtInject.

We've corrected part of this in Jakarta by having the Dependency Injection spec once again under the control of the CDI project.  We should likely just remove Managed Beans.  As DI and CDI came out in the same Java EE versions as Managed Beans and Managed Beans was intentionally thin so very hard to understand,  I'm not aware of anyone who has actually used it.

Me neither. For some reason though there are some references to jakarta.annotation.ManagedBean in the TCK if I'm not mistaken. To make matters slightly more complicated even, jakarta.annotation.ManagedBean is from common annotations, and not from the Managed Bean spec.

As DI is now once again under the control of the CDI project, does it really make sense to have it as a separate project?

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

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