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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Publishing Question Regarding POMs

Standard Maven Central rules for publishing are at ..

It is strongly encouraged that the pom contains sufficient metadata so as to not force users of your pom into manually dealing with missing dependencies.

In the past, (not sure if this is still the case) the release process from nexus to maven central used to verify that the dependencies you have in your pom exist on maven central too.
Since Eclipse runs their own nexus repository, perhaps we should enable this release/promote check on the Eclipse nexus repository (if it isn't already).

- Joakim

On Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 8:45 AM Volodymyr Siedlecki <volosied@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Can we publish an artifact if the included pom.xml relies on an internal (i.e. not published) dependency?  For instance, If someone tried to build this component from the source jar (by relying on the META-INF/, is it okay if a dependency fails to resolve?

For some context: our next JSTL release will be built using our local version TLDDoc  (the last published version, 1.3, is incompatible with the jakarta namespaces). As we update TLDoc in our jstl-api project, the question is whether we should also publish our version or not. TLDDoc is used solely for generating TLD documentation (hence the dependency).

The TLDDoc Code Port issue for reference:

Appreciate any help here.

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