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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] [jakartaee-tck-dev] Next up... TCK and Comptible Impl Updates!

Some more background on the Mail and Activation TCKs...

Both of these are separate standalone TCKs.  I've done the work to update them
for the package name change, and the updated implementations pass the updated TCKs.

The platform spec only requires a subset of the functionality in the Mail API,
in particular just the ability to send email.  Because of that, the platform TCK
contains a subset of the Mail TCK.  I need to update that subset to correspond
to the standalone TCK; that's on my list but I haven't done it yet.

I don't remember whether the Activation TCK was ever part of the platform TCK;
Activation has been part of Java SE since SE 6.  If you discover remnants of the
old Activation TCK still in the platform TCK, we need to either remove it and
use the standalone version (preferred) or update it similarly to what I'll do
with the Mail TCK.

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