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[jakartaee-platform-dev] Unreleased former Java SE specifications

Here are the Jakarta-owned specifications that were removed in Java SE 11.

Until they are released under the JESP, the only official TCK binaries for them are the Oracle licensed TCK binaries.

I might wrong on this next sentence, but my understanding is getting these across the finish line would be a requirement to allowing a Jakarta EE 9 implementation to legally ship JAXB, JAX-WS, Activation, etc without a preexisting licensing agreement.

The work has been done on preparing these TCK binaries and getting GlassFish 5.1 to pass, however the API jars keep expiring before we get the attention needed to get votes up.  Lukas in particular has been beyond a good sport, rolling the API jars several times.

At this stage maybe a good way to get them across the finish line would be to review them and say "these look great, we would vote +1 if the API jars were published and the vote proposed."

David Blevins

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