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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Continue semantic versioning discussion...

+1, I agree that since we adhered to the Java EE versioning scheme for Jakarta EE 8, we should not revert the specs to 1.0.0. 

On Nov 19, 2019, at 9:11 PM, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Even in an ideal world resetting to 1.0.0 would cause more problems that it
might solve.

Let's put this discussion to bed quickly and get back to the difficult issues.

Alasdair Nottingham wrote on 11/19/19 3:09 PM:
If we are going to argue that semantic versioning means that packages should revert to 1.0.0 then we could have made the same argument for the maven dependencies and spec versions when we did Jakarta EE 8. We chose at that time to stick with the Java EE versioning scheme. I don’t see a reason to not continue this at the package level. Yes perhaps in an ideal world we would revert to 1.0.0, but I think it would violate the law of least surprises for people moving from Jakarta EE 8 to Jakarta EE 9.

So my take is we do not reset the package versions and continue with a linear versioning from Jakarta EE 8 even though package name has changed.

On Nov 19, 2019, at 3:44 PM, Kevin Sutter <sutter@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

At the end of our Platform Dev call this morning, we started to discuss the versioning of the Jakarta Component specs due to the jakarta namespace update.  As an example, with the jakarta package rename, should the next version of CDI be 2.x or 3.0?  This was initially brought up as part of this thread:

The initial response on the call was "Yes", the major version of the CDI Spec must increase with the change in package names.

But, as we continued talking, it was clear there were two aspects (at least) of semantic versioning that come into play.
   • Semantic versioning at the Spec level (ie. JPA 2.2 -> 3.0)
   • Semantic versioning at the Package level (ie. javax.persistence.* -> jakarta.persistence.*)

1.  Spec level versioning.  I'm going to assume that the initial response is still accurate and we expect the individual Jakarta components to increase the major version of their Specs.  Sticking with the JPA example, this would require a new entry in the maven repo for a 3.0 release, which would have the following coordinates:


This usage would allow proper dependency management at the macro level -- at the Spec and API level.

2.  Package level versioning.  This is what BJ brought up at the end of the call.  As an example, look at the MANIFEST.MF for JPA 2.2.3:

Export-Package: javax.persistence.metamodel;version="2.2.3",javax.persis

Since we're moving from javax.persistence.* to jakarta.persistence.*, this is technically a new API package and, thus, should start over at 1.0.0.  A few questions come to mind here...
   • If we claim we want to follow semantic versioning, does it require us to recognize this name change and start over at "1.0.0" with the package export?  Or, can we decide that this change from javax to jakarta is just a continuation of the old package and use "3.0.0" for the jakarta.persistence.* packages?
   • If it's decided that the jakarta.persistence.* package rename requires a "1.0.0", does it make sense to have different package versions from the external Spec/API version?  In this case, the packages would be exported as "1.0.0", but the Spec would be at "3.0".
   • Do we even care?  Do any of the Jakarta components currently import packages with specific version numbers?  The JPA MANIFEST just imports the package names with no versions.  I know this comes into play with an OSGI-based system (we use both export and import packages with versions in Open Liberty, for example).  But, do we need or want to incorporate that level of dependency mgmt on everyone using Jakarta EE?

I have my thoughts on what we should do, but let's start with the discussion first.  Thanks.

Kevin Sutter
STSM, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE architect
e-mail:  sutter@xxxxxxxxxx     Twitter:  @kwsutter
phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)    
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