The Jakarta EE platform, whatever it is at any given time, must be flexible enough to allow end-users to adopt innovations and drop old technologies with very little modification to existing systems. Accommodating all the changes to come is impossible when the "platform" concept claims the mind-share. You can't define an entire platform and expect it to remain, in its entirety, relevant forever.
I think the only answer to this dilemma is the concept of a Profile - or at least what I believe are profiles. A profile is to me, a set of APIs that have been gathered together and used to accomplish some domain-specific objective. The Web profile, while not a pure profile in the sense I'm talking about, is one example. It allowed vendors more flexibility as well as end-users.
A better way forward might be to think of Jakarta EE as many things rather than just one monolithic thing. As long as there is a core, and in my mind that is at least Java SE, that remains stable, Jakarta EE can be whatever it needs to be. That means it can be something new, but it can also be something old or some mix of both.
Take the current Java EE platform. It's actually composed of many different technologies including EJB, Servlets/JSPs, JNDI, JMS, concurrency, CDI, etc. The platform ensures that they work well together, It is the glue. The same is true of a Profile, but in terms of perception, a Profile is far more composable as well as ephemeral than a Platform.
Now, think of Jakarta EE not as a platform in the sense that Java EE is a platform, but as a collection of optional profiles. As long as the Profiles always work with the core, you can use any combination of those Profiles you want. For example, if all you want is JMS and MDBs you should be able to buy a Jakarta EE platform with those two profiles and nothing else. Another example, what if you want JSF, JDO and CDI and nothing else.
If we think of Jakarta EE as one single entangled platform, we will never be free of the conundrum of advancing the platform without leaving folks behind. If, however, we develop every Profile so that its composable with a core and therefore any other Profile we start to see a platform that can evolve, be standardized, and remain backward compatible. If you are using an older version of JSP or EJB or whatever, you should always be able to combine that older profile with new profiles to create a platform that makes sense to your organization at any given time. As new profiles are introduced you should be able to add them to an existing system without having to do an upgrade of other aspects of your platform. The platform is whatever you need it to be. More precisely the Platform is an umbrella for a range of Profiles that are guaranteed to work together no matter what the combination.
The way to handle Java EE is to consider it a Profile rather than a platform. It's a big profile, no doubt, but a profile none the less. Call it Jakarta EE Classic if "Legacy" is a marketing issue. Now define a core for Jakarta EE based on Java SE and perhaps something else that will not remain stable for at least 20 years and you can start adding new profiles to the system that can work independently, with other new profiles, or in concert with the existing Classic (Java EE ) profile.